Source: FairObserver.com
Feb 23, 2024
The Lies the United States and Media Told About Iran
The media amplifies US government narratives on Iran, hindering objective perspectives and potentially shaping public opinion towards conflict. That is harmful to the US’ long-term interests. Americans must rise to use good judgment, demand transparency from their government, and be selective in giving attention to the media.
The media’s relationship with the US government significantly shapes public perceptions of international events, particularly regarding Iran. Concerns about the objectivity of information rise due to the media’s tendency to amplify the government’s narrative. This amplification is achieved through sophisticated content disseminated across various platforms, from television and radio to press releases, online platforms and mobile devices.
This content fosters an insatiable demand for information, yet the desire for unbiased perspectives often faces a significant obstacle. Much of the readily available alternative content online merely recycles the dominant narratives established by the mainstream media, highlighting the media’s substantial influence on public discourse and the challenge of readily accessing diverse and objective viewpoints.
In relation to Iran, the media has consistently adhered to a particular narrative. It has neglected to critically examine US claims, choosing instead to echo US propaganda. This has resulted in Iran being depicted as a pariah state, ruled by a dictatorship and involved in supporting terrorism. These portrayals are often accepted without the necessary critical scrutiny.
Nonetheless, a discernible shift is occurring. A growing number of Americans are becoming aware of the interconnectedness of their government and media, recognizing the presence of biases and the influence of powerful entities, often linked to the so-called “deep state.”
This newfound consciousness was evident in a recent interview in which Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking with Tucker Carlson, described the US “deep state” as the American ‘elite’ with the power to overrule the US president and dictate the country’s policies.
Déjà Vu in the Middle East: is the US destined to repeat history?
The January 3 terrorist attacks in Kerman, Iran, targeting a gathering at the burial site of Qasem Soleimani, resulted in a significant loss of life (84 reported dead) and injuries (284).
This tragedy raises the specter of another potential conflict in the Middle East, with concerns escalating about Iran’s potential retaliation against Israel, given the Islamic State’s claim of responsibility and the possibility of Israeli involvement.
As a staunch ally of Israel, the United States faces a delicate decision. Historically, US involvement in wars has often resulted in widespread casualties and destruction.
Examining interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Vietnam reveals a pattern of initial engagement followed by gradual withdrawal due to unforeseen challenges, potentially eroding US global credibility.
Furthermore, concerns exist regarding the dissemination of misinformation by the US government and media. The echo chamber effect, where media narratives align with government pronouncements, is particularly concerning.
Historical examples, such as the Vietnam War, highlight the devastating consequences of such deceit, costing over 3 million lives, including approximately 60,000 Americans.
The media’s complacency in events like the Cambodian Genocide and the Iraq War, where questioning of US actions often lagged behind public opposition, further underscores its role in facilitating government actions.
The post-9/11 invasion of Afghanistan aimed to remove the Taliban, resulting in substantial casualties and destruction. However, the Taliban’s return to power after a staggering financial and human cost exposes the futility of such interventions.
Similarly, the Iraq War, based on false claims of weapons of mass destruction and connections with al-Qaeda, resulted in hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths and immense financial expenditure. The lack of accountability for those responsible, such as US President George W. Bush and his administration, remains a troubling aspect.
Iraq is not alone in bearing the brunt of US intervention. Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen have all witnessed the repercussions of US involvement in various conflicts.
The instigation of regime changes and interventions in democratic governments, exemplified by the overthrowals of Mohammad Mosaddeq in Iran and Salvadore Allende in Chile, have proven to be costly and destabilizing endeavors.
The global cost of war, two decades after the US invasion of Afghanistan, has reached an estimated $8 trillion, with approximately one million lives lost. This contributes to heightened anxiety and poverty, particularly among Americans.
In the case of Israel, media support predates the nation’s inception, marked by the Nakba and associated violence.
The media’s historical alignment with the US and its recent support for Israeli actions, resulting in nearly 30,000 Palestinian casualties, raises ethical questions.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ)’s examination of South Africa v. Israel has globally exposed the potential crime of genocide in Gaza, implicating Western powers, especially the US.
The ICJ’s preliminary ruling, acknowledging Israel’s actions as potentially falling under the Genocide Convention, places a moral imperative on the US and its media to critically examine their positions and align with international standards.