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Source: Reuters

Jul 23, 2023

At least four dead in attack in Iran's Zahedan, Tasnim reports

DUBAI, July 23 (Reuters) - At least four road police patrol officers were killed in a "terrorist" attack in the mostly Sunni city of Zahedan in Iran's restive southeast, according to the semi-official Tasnim news agency on Sunday.

A judicial order has been issued to arrest the perpetrators, Tasnim reported.

Zahedan, capital of Sistan-Baluchistan province, which borders Pakistan and Afghanistan, is one of Iran's poorest provinces and a major drug trafficking route.

"Today, attackers ambushed the police car.. and shot at the vehicle," Tasnim report added.

The perpetrators and their motive were not immediately clear.

Reporting by Dubai Newsroom; Editing by Hugh Lawson

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