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Source: Iranintl

Dec 24, 2022

People in Iran and elsewhere held protests to show their anger at government brutality, as the movement against the Islamic Republic entered its 100th day.

Reports from Tehran say people held rallies in Narmak and Tehranpars neighborhoods in the east chanting slogans against Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

A group of others marched from Enghelab square in central Tehran towards City Theater Hall in Vali-e Asr avenue.In the flashpoint neighborhood of Ekbatan in the west people once again chanted slogans against the clerics from their windows.

More than 30 people have been arrested in the restive district of large, middle class apartment blocks.

There were also protests in other cities, including the religious city of Mashhad in the northeast, Sanandaj in western Iran and the port city of Bandar Abbas on the Persian Gulf.

In Tehran a small team of protesters threw Molotov cocktails at a paramilitary Basij base, an act of defiance by young dissidents that has occurred numerous times in recent weeks.

Ashkan Khatibi, the famous Iranian actor, published a post on Instagram, saying he was summoned and interrogated by the security services.

He added that he has received multiple death threats on the phone for publishing posts in support of the popular protests.

Iranians in several European cities also held demonstrations to mark the hundredth day of the uprising, which is further fueled by executions and brutalities by the government.

In Copenhagen, protesters formed a human chain and chanted slogans to demand the overthrow of the Islamic Republic.

Demonstrators in Istanbul also held a rally raising the pictures of those who were killed during the crackdown by the regime. They also chanted “Death to the Dictator” and “Death to Khamenei”.

Iranians living in Frankfurt, Germany also held a protest rally in the center of the city demanding to designate the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization.

A group of 43 members of the Social Democratic Party in the German Parliament this week demanded that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard – or IRGC --be designated as a terrorist group. The IRGC is the major force repressing dissidents and protests.

Lawmakers said, "A regime that defends its survival only by assassinating its own people has lost its legitimacy." Considering that other German parties such as Alliance 90/The Greens, and Free Democratic Party also seem to favor such a measure, it is possible that the IRGC will be blacklisted by Berlin and the European Union.

On Friday, Germany also suspended all export credits and investment guarantees for companies doing business with Iran as a measure against government’s harsh treatment of protesters.

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