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Source: Reuters

Nov 19, 2023

Iran's Khamenei urges Muslim states to cut political ties with Israel for 'limited period'

DUBAI, Nov 19 (Reuters) - Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appealed to Muslim states with political ties with Israel to at least cut them for "a limited time", state media reported on Sunday, weeks after he called for an Islamic oil and food embargo on Israel.

"Some Islamic governments have condemned Israeli crimes in assemblies while some have not. This is unacceptable," Khamenei said before reiterating that the main task of Islamic governments should be to cut off Israel from energy and goods.

"Islamic governments should at least cut off political ties to Israel for a limited time," Khamenei added.

During a joint summit between members of the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League in Saudi Arabia's capital on Nov. 11, Muslim states did not agree to impose wide-ranging sanctions on Israel, as requested by Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi.

Khamenei made his latest comments while attending an exhibition showcasing the "latest achievements" of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Aerospace Force, including the Fattah 2, a new version of what is said to be Iran's first hypersonic missile.

Iran unveiled what it said was its first domestically made hypersonic ballistic missile in June, and said it could bypass the most advanced anti-ballistic missile systems of the United States and Israel.

Reporting by Dubai Newsroom; Editing by Hugh Lawson and Barbara Lewis

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