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Source: Reuters

Jul 30, 2023

Iran will pursue rights over Durra gas field if other parties shun cooperation, oil minister says

DUBAI, July 30 (Reuters) - Iran will pursue its rights over the Durra/Arash field if other parties shun cooperation, the country's Oil Minister Javad Owji said on Sunday, according to the Oil Ministry's SHANA news agency.

"If there is no willingness to cooperate, Iran will pursue its rights and benefits, including the exploitation and exploration of the Arash gas field, and will not tolerate any violation of its rights," Owji said.

Kuwait oil minister Saad Al Barrak told SkyNews Arabia on Thursday that his country will start drilling and begin production at the Durra gas field without waiting for border demarcation with Iran.

Reporting by Dubai Newsroom Editing by Bernadette Baum

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