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Source: i24News

Sep 26, 2023

Mystery explosion reported in western Iran near major IRGC underground base

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Imam Ali base that houses a large underground facility for missiles and drones

A mystery explosion shook the western Iranian province of Lorestan, reportedly near an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) base.

The explosion was reported from the city of Khorram Abad, in province of Lorestan, near the Imam Ali IRGC base that houses a large underground facility for missiles and drones.

The Director General of Crisis Management for Lorestan told Iranian state TV that it was not an earthquake that shook the area, saying there was a possibility of an explosion.

The IRGC's Tasnim news later reported that officials also ruled out an explosion, saying that the Imam Ali Missile Base had last experienced a deadly explosion in Oct. 2010, resulting in at least 32 casualties.

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